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How we started

This is the first of a series of articles on the subject of “The Mind and The Spirit”. I am aware that it is a difficult subject for some, but God has to use someone to bring clarity to his people on this area in order to help them to move to another level.

It is difficult for many people to understand or accept the reality that without the direct participation of our mind (conscious, subconscious, or unconscious) nothing happens within the human being. The only things we truly receive without having to make a decision (in our mind) are the miracles that God makes in our lives.

While God does miracles every day, and most of us are now waiting for a miracle of God, there are many people who have died waiting for a miracle that never came. The miracles of God are made by his grace and mercy, and not by people’s promises.

In reality, we all become what we think and do in a cycle that ends when we die. We ask: can a person who has lost his or her mental ability take the decision to accept the Lord as his or her Savior? The answer is he or she cannot. Why? Because he or she has no mental capacity or intellectual components necessary for carrying out, this function of the brain.

Another question that some people ask is, will this type of person be saved? The answer is that only God knows. Paul says, in 1st Corinthians 14: 15, "So what shall I do? I will pray with my spirit, but I will also pray with my mind; I will sing with my spirit, but I will also sing with my mind.” It seems to me that Paul is suggesting that the spirit receives the word of God; after it is first processed in the mind in a form that we can understand, and then, if we choose to believe it, we can make it a part of our lives.

Paul also gives us another example of how the mind and spirit work together in the same chapter in verses 13 thru 14, “For this reason anyone who speaks in a tongue should pray that he may interpret what he says. For if I pray in a tongue, my spirit prays, but my mind is unfruitful.”

That is to say: If what is said in another language is neither interpreted by the mind of the person who says it, nor by any of the people who hear what is said , then nothing happens. In other words, there is no purpose in speaking in other tongues if the minds of those present do not understand what is said. In this case, the spirit for some reason is not helped by the mind.

Our mind, our spirit and the Holy Spirit are at our service. It is our responsibility to develop ourselves to really know who we are as individuals, and who we truly are in Christ Jesus. According to the level we develop in these two critical areas of our lives, we become free from the influences that prevent us from living our lives receiving the blessings that God has for us here on Earth now.

Our mind, our spirit and the Holy Spirit are at our service. It is our responsibility to develop ourselves to really know who we are as individuals, and who we truly are in Christ Jesus. According to the level we develop in these two critical areas of our lives, we become free from the influences that prevent us from living our lives receiving the blessings that God has for us here on Earth now.

By Julio Sterling The Mind and the Spirit